How Does Peppermint Stimulate Your Brain?

Peppermint is an herb that has been used for its many health benefits for centuries. Composed primarily of menthol, a potent antioxidant, peppermint has a number of components that can improve your health. With vitamins A and C, manganese, magnesium, copper, iron, calcium and omega-3 fatty acids, peppermint can boost your overall health, but what about for brain health? Read on to learn more.

How Do Peppermints Stimulate the Brain?

Peppermint candy is widely known by many but these candies may not give you the mental boost you can actually gain from the peppermint herb. Drinking tea, using a diffuser to inhale peppermint or applying peppermint oil directly to the skin can be more beneficial. You can also find peppermint in capsules or as supplement to take.

When it comes to boosting your mental health with peppermint, it is more about the aroma as opposed to actually ingesting it. While smelling peppermint won't make you smarter, the menthol stimulates the hippocampus region of the brain. This area is what controls memory and mental clarity. So, inhale the peppermint scent will help you focus, wake up, become more alert and help with concentration.Driving while inhaling the peppermint smell can make you less irritable. It also will help you remain focused, stay alert and feel less tired when behind the wheel. The peppermint aroma can reduce the release of cortisol which is a stress hormone.

The peppermint aroma travels directly to the limbic system of the brain which controls your moods. How do peppermints stimulate the brain when reaching the limbic system? The scent allows you to feel refreshed and energized. You will notice a positive shift in your mood which is why peppermint is often recommended with aromatherapy. Similarly, soaps and lotions that contain peppermint will often have this same uplifting effect.

More Foods That Can Boost Your Brain

The following foods will really improve the function of brain instead of just stimulate the brain as the peppermint does.

1. Coconut Oil

Adding just a little bit of coconut oil into your diet can go a long way. Coconut oil contains medium-chain triglycerides which are a type of healthy fat. These triglycerides boost memory and have been highly beneficial for those with Alzheimer's disease. They also provide fuel to the brain to keep you alert.

2. Eggs

Eggs are a great source of omega-3 fatty acids or DHA. Getting enough of these fatty acids will improve mood and cognitive functioning. Eating eggs a few times a week can major positive effects on the brain and they are so versatile that you can eat them for breakfast or hard boil them as a snack.

3. Coffee

One cup of coffee a day can be beneficial to your brain health. Coffee can help improve your short-term memory as well as long-term memory in older people. However, you don't want to consume too much coffee every day since it can leave you jittery; drinking 76 mg of caffeine is enough to improve your brain functions.

4. Green Tea

How do peppermints stimulate the brain and how to use it for the function? You can get an extra boost in brain by adding it to green tea. Just drinking green tea on its own also helps. The L-theanine in green tea can help keep you calm and the caffeine can boost your memory. Green tea is also a great alternative to those who don't like coffee but want the same brain-boosting effects.

5. Blueberries

Blueberries have a number of health benefits, one of which is they contain a significant amount of anthocyanins. This compound can reduce the risk of Alzheimer and Parkinson's disease. Try to eat a cup of blueberries a day no matter what age you are to reap the benefits.

6. Walnuts

Walnuts contain plenty of antioxidants as well as copper and magnesium. Along with the omega-3 fatty acids in walnuts, your brain gets a powerful health boost. Eating walnuts can help fight off inflammation and reverse a number of cognitive defects.

7. Flax seeds

Those who suffer from depression can get an emotional boost by eating flax seeds. Flax seeds are a great source of omega-3 fatty acids which will boost your mood instantly. Along with boosting your mood, the oils from flax seeds can improve memory and better focus.

8. Holy basil

Holy basil is used regularly to help reduce stress. Your brain gets a mental boost since Holy basil can increase blood flow, which has a positive effect on your mood and memory, which is different from peppermint after knowing "how do peppermints stimulate the brain".

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