When you get older, it seems as though the same effective weight loss tactic you used in your 30's or 20's stop working. While you may have been able to stick with a short term diet or put in a few extra workouts in the week to drop those extra pounds, when you get older you might not notice any change in the number you see on the scale except a higher one. Read on to learn how to lose weight after 40 effectively if what discussed above is what you are facing now.

How Turning 40 Affects Your Weight?
1. Hormones
Hormones are the number one causes for weight gain and difficulty to lose weight once you hit 40. Women who are going through perimenopause will see a decrease in estrogen and testosterone levels and once menopause hits, they significantly drop. Estrogen helps regulate weight and when these levels are too high or too low, fat begins to store in the body. Lower levels of estrogen also result in a slower metabolic rate which means the energy stored in the body are converted to working energy much slower.
2. Inactive
As we age, our bodies just naturally slow down as the muscles mass is lost. This loss in muscles mass results in a slower metabolism and we tend to burn fewer calories through exercise as we get older. Add this to the fact, the previous injuries can reappear in the form of arthritis, pinched nerves, muscle tightens and bone spurs, it is no wonder that we are less active as we age.
3. Lack of quality sleep
From hot flashes and nights sweats to higher levels of stress and migraines, getting enough sleep when you're older becomes increasingly more difficult. A lack of quality sleep can result in increased hunger which means more weight gain, making you wonder more about how to lose weight after 40.
4. Insulin resistance
The loss of estrogen production can increase the chances of you developing insulin resistance as you get older. Insulin resistance occurs when the insulin does not function properly at absorbing the sugars broken down in the body. People who have insulin resistance will find putting on more weight around the midsection is easy and it's hard for them to lose weight all over the body.
How to Lose Weight After 40
1. How to address fat loss at 40
- You want to avoid jumping on any weight loss fads that promise to have you losing weight quickly. Often times these fad diets will have you on a strict low-calorie diet, which will often leave you feeling hungrier more often. This can result in a loss of vital nutrients needed, slowing down the metabolism even more. Additionally, losing weight too quickly will also reduce your muscles mass even further, resulting in weight gain instead of loss.
- Sticking with a caloric intake of 1000 calories can be an ideal option. This will need to be managed through portion control as well as exercise. The right diet and proper exercise can be the most successful way to lose weight over 40.
- A 1000 calorie diet will often result in a loss of 1-2 pounds per week (keeping in mind that 1 pound of weight loss is equal to 3500 calories). Losing weight at a fast rate can increase your chances of developing gallstones, so it is imperative that you calculate the number of calories you need to consume a day to maintain a healthy weight for your age. Most women over 40 tend to burn up to 2200 calories a day.
2. Weight-loss diet plans
How to lose weight after 40 will require greater attention to your diet. This diet will differ from person to person, taking into consideration your caloric needs, activity level, and lifestyle. For most, however, a healthy diet that includes lean proteins, whole grains and plenty of vegetables should be adapted. Avoiding foods that are high in sugars, refined grains and alcohol also help manage weight. Portion control is also key.
3. Lifestyle interventions for weight loss
- Moderate or intense cardio exercise is highly recommended. Getting in 250 minutes of this form of exercise can make losing weight in your 40's easier. While this may seem like a lot of time to commit to exercise each week, consider spreading this out throughout the day. Going for a brisk walk with your kids after school, waking up a half hour earlier to get 30 minutes of cardio in the morning or a brief jog or walk after dinner are all options to help you reach your goal.
- Strength training should also be included in your exercise routine. Two days focusing on building muscle mass will help combat the natural loss you experience as you age. Pushups, lunges, crunches, and squats are all great option for strength training exercises.
- Proper sleep is also vital. You want to get enough sleep to keep you energized and motivated to stick with your workout routine as well as ward off any unnecessary hunger pains.
- Stress management is also important. Find ways to reduce your daily stress since stress can increase cortisol which increases weight gain. Try practicing yoga, meditation or consider getting a hobby that will help you relax and refocus the mind.