Tapeworms Treatments: Medications and Home Remedies

Living in the intestines, tapeworms are flat, segmented worms and can infect both animal and humans. Animals become infected after drinking contaminated water or grazing in pastures, and these worms transfer to humans when they eat the infected meat without cooking it thoroughly. A tapeworm infection is usually not serious, but sometimes, you may have to deal with life-threatening problems. That is why you should talk to your doctor to determine the best treatment for tapeworms. Let's find out more about it.

How Do You Know If You Are Infected with Tapeworms?

In most cases, you do not have any visible symptoms after having a tapeworm infection. Even when present, symptoms can be so mild to get your attention. Depending on the type of tapeworm, you may experience different symptoms, such as the following:

What's more, some people may also experience dizziness, convulsions, and vitamin B12 deficiency.

Home Remedies for Tapeworm in Humans

It is better to talk to your doctor if you notice any signs of tapeworm infections, but you can also try some home remedies before trying medical treatment for tapeworm. Here are some options to consider:

1.    Pumpkin

Pumpkin may help prove effective against tapeworms. Seeds are especially beneficial in expelling worms from your system. The anthelminthic properties of pumpkin seeds are associated with the presence of an amino acid called Cucurbitin. These seeds also contain zinc, which also helps eliminate worms from your system. An infusion of pumpkin seeds diluted with water or milk usually proves quite effective in eliminating tapeworms from your digestive tract. It actually works against mature tapeworms as well as their eggs.

2.    Pineapple and Papaya

These topical fruits have amazing medicinal properties and prove effective in the treatment of tapeworms. Pineapple is usually quite effective in the treatment of indigestion. It also serves as a diuretic and contains enzymes called bromelain that helps kill tapeworms. Experts believe you should go on a three-day raw pineapple diet to get rid of tapeworms. Papaya also helps improve your digestive system because it contains an enzyme called papain and a latex called papayotin. These enzymes help treat tapeworm infections. You can also find some supplements that contain these enzymes. It is better to take those supplements because this way you do not have to worry about ingesting sugar into your system.

3.    Butternut

This deciduous tree may also be a good home remedy used in the treatment for tapeworm. You need to use its nut to extract oil that helps get rid of tapeworms. You can also use the bark of this tree to deal with tapeworms. It proves effective because of the presence of a compound called juglone that has anti-parasitic properties. It also has strong laxative and anthelminthic properties, which help make it easier to expel dead tapeworms.

Medical Treatments for Tapeworms

You should see your doctor when you notice any symptoms of a tapeworm infection. It is important to point out that it is usually difficult to treat a tapeworm larvae infection as compared to an adult tapeworm infection. The reason is that the adult tapeworm is usually in the gut only, but the tapeworm larvae can be anywhere in the body. Treatments for tapeworms include:

1.    Oral Medications

You need to take oral medications to deal with tapeworm infection. Keep in mind that these medications do not always prove effective because your digestive system is usually in no position to absorb these drugs. In some cases, you need to take laxatives, so the tapeworm would come out of your body. You may have to take an anti-emetic medication to prevent vomiting in case you are infected with a pork tapeworm infection.

While taking medications, you will have to keep in close touch with your healthcare provider. They will check your stool thrice a month after you have completed the course to see if there are still signs of an infection.

2.    Anti-Inflammatory Medication

Your doctor may prescribe anti-inflammatory medication in case the infection has spread beyond the intestine. It may lead to the development of cysts, which is why you need to rely on anti-inflammatory steroids to control swelling and treat cysts.

3.    Tapeworm Surgery

It is possible to develop cysts in vital organs, such as liver or lungs, which can lead to life-threatening consequences. It is therefore important to go for a surgical procedure to have that cyst removed. Often, your doctor will inject a cyst to kill all the larvae before surgically removing it. Organ transplantation is also a possibility in severe cases.

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