Can Diverticulitis Patients Eat Foods with Seeds?

Diverticulitis is a medical disorder that is characterized by inflammation or infection of the diverticula or pouches that have developed on the wall of the large intestine. Presence of diverticula without inflammation is called diverticulosis. Diverticulitis presents as pain in lower abdomen along with constipation or cramping. Many physicians advised in the past that people who have developed diverticula should avoid foods that contain small seeds including strawberries and tomatoes as the seeds could get trapped in the pouches and produce inflammation. So, what is the relationship between diverticulitis and seeds?

Can Diverticulitis Patients Eat Foods with Seeds?

Seeds present in vegetables, grains and fruits are rich in fiber. These foods can be consumed while the diverticular disease is in its chronic phase as during this time foods rich in fiber help in controlling symptoms and in avoiding attacks of diverticulitis.

However, during a flare up of diverticulitis when you are having symptoms such as nausea, abdominal pain, fever, vomiting, cramping, chills and constipation, you should not eat seeds. You will be recommended to consume a clear liquid diet for 2-3 days to rest your colon. You can gradually add low-fiber foods to your diet after your symptoms improve; however, foods containing seeds should be avoided until the flare up of diverticulitis is over.

Don't Eat These Foods During the Flare-up Phase of Diverticulitis

Diet Plan for Diverticulitis

Food List for a Flare-Up

During a flare-up of diverticulitis, your physician will prescribe antibiotics for the illness. They will also recommend that you consume a clear liquid diet for at least 2-3 days or until your symptoms resolve. During this period, avoid consuming solid foods and consume clear broth, ice pops, clear juices without pulp and gelatin.

Food List During Recovery

Once the symptoms of your illness become less, your physician will suggest you to gradually include solid foods in your diet. Start by consuming low-fiber foods that are easily digested such as eggs, dairy products, pasta, low-fiber bread and cereal, white rice and soft or canned vegetables and fruits without skin or seeds. Add 5-15 g of fiber gradually per day to your diet until you are able to consume a diet high in fiber.

Diet Plan to Prevent Diverticulitis

The occurrence of diverticulitis can be prevented by consuming a high-fiber diet. Females should consume at least 25 grams of fiber per day, whereas males should consume at least 35 grams of fiber per day. Foods rich in fiber include fruits, vegetables, whole grain cereals and breads, brown rice, legumes such as beans and peas and nuts. Here you can have diverticulitis and seeds together.

More Ways to Help Manage Your Diverticulitis

Supplements for the Management of Diverticulitis

Lifestyle Changes Required for the Management of Diverticulitis


Consult your physician if you believe that your symptoms are due to diverticulitis. Although an uncomplicated, mild case of diverticulitis may get better with oral antibiotics, liquid diet and bed rest for a couple of days; however, hospitalization may be required in a severe case. Diverticulitis, if left treated may lead to blockage or bleeding in the colon, along with peritonitis, which may even lead to death of the patient.

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