Some types of headaches will only manifest on one side of the head, thus you can experience either left temple and right temple headaches. Pain in the left temple of your head has many causes. The Mayo Clinic states that while most headaches and pains are minor, some types can be caused by serious, underlying health problems. If you experience head pain that has no apparent cause or pain that worsens over time you should seek medical attention immediately.
Monitor carefully any and all symptoms of headache. Left temple pain can be servere and caused by a underlying disease. It is important to seek medical advice for a comprehensive diagnosis and treatments. The causes listed here may not be comprehensive and only a doctor will truly be able to determine the underlying causes.
A right or left temple headache is a classic symptom of a migraine. Sufferers will also experience nausea, uneasy movement, sensitivity to light and noise, and a need to lie down. Migraines build over an hour or so rather than coming on quickly. Those with a migraine will want to suppress the pain rather than massage the temples.
The pain in the left temple will feel like intense pressure, squeezing or tight sensations. It is an annoying and persistent feeling rather than a sore feeling. Movement won’t make it worse, but you may have an urge to massage your temple. This will only provide temporary relief. Some may experience slight nausea and these headaches either come in episodes or become a chronic condition.
These headaches occur in “clusters” of episodes over a few days or even weeks. They can be severe enough to interfere with daily life and normal functions. Once an episode has ended you may not experience another one for weeks. Pain is on one side of the head and the eye on that side and the nose can be affected.
Characterized by a sharp, intense and stabbing pain, this headache left temple affects one temple and one eye. Those with migraines or cluster headaches will experience stabbing and unpredictable pains.
Pain is centralized in a coin-sized space on the scalp. While it can be located on the temple, it is usually felt on top of the head or behind the ear. Itching, prickly feelings or tingling sensations accompany the pain in this headache. If there is also hair loss in that small area then it is most likely a nummular headache.
More commonly known as a sinus infection, this is characterized by congestion and headaches as the air-filled space between the bones in and around the nose become infected. Mucus membranes swell causing eye and cheek pressure as well as pain in the temples.
Older people suffer most from this as their temporal artery can become inflamed for no reason. The artery will be tender to the touch and the pulse will be faint or lost. There is also tenderness in the scalp, loss of appetite and a general unwell feeling. If these symptoms go untreated for too long blood supply to the eye is affected, causing damage.
Pain is experienced in one specific location such as behind the eye or ear. Some describe it as a band of pain that runs through the temple. While it is an intense headache, it does not have the same symptoms as a migraine. The neck is the source of pain here so it is common to crop up post sleep if you were at an awkward angle, after sitting in the same position for a long time, or after prolonged airplane or car travel.
SUNCT and paroxysmal hemicrania both affect the eye and are characterized as a burning stabbing or piercing pain in the temple. Both of these are short lived episodes. With SUNCT the eyes water and there can be hundreds of episodes in a day.
Carotid artery dissection centralizes pain in the forehead and can cause falling eyelids or blurry vision. Hemicrania continua are strictly a one-sided headache with throbbing pain, light sensitivity and a feeling of grit in the eye. It is a continuous pain that goes on for days and nights without relief.
Craniotomy is the surgical procedure for opening the skull for surgery. Temporal bone is taken out then screwed back in. A localized headache is a common occurrence after these surgeries, but settles a few months out from surgery.
To reduce the severity or occurrence of headache left temple, try some of the following:
Sometimes headaches can be more severe. Try over-the-counter medications like acetaminophen or ibuprofen, but be sure you do not end up needing to take them regularly (chronic headaches definitely warrant a doctor’s visit!). If you have other medications that might conflict do not take these. Always consult your doctor if you are taking other medicines. Massage your temples gently, or have someone massage your neck and back. This promotes relaxation and will relieve tension on your muscles.
Learn how to deal with a headache by massage, see here
Maintain a healthy diet. When you are eating well, your cardiovascular health will improve. Unhealthy diets can increase cholesterol, constricting blood vessels, and leading to further problems. Be sure to stay hydrated. The brain actually shrinks when you’re dehydrated, causing pain. Take a daily walk. Mild exercises improve blood flow. More intense exercises are recommended 3-4 times a week but consult your doctor before starting an exercise program. Get a decent amount of rest each day. Naps are good and be sure to get a full night’s sleep.