Ingrown Hair in Pubic Area

Ingrown pubic hairs are found when instead of breaking the surface, the hair either grows sideways into your skin or curls back inward. It is possible for anyone to get an ingrown hair. However, this problem is more likely to happen to those with coarse or very curly hair which is much likelier to bend back, re-entering the skin. And this is especially true after the hair has been cut or shaved. In addition, people who have higher levels of particular sex hormones may deal with excessive hair growth, making it likelier they will develop ingrown hairs.

Why Do You Have Ingrown Hair in Pubic Area?

An ingrown hair produces red and raised bump or a few group of bumps which look like pimples. It can sometimes form a boil-like painful sore.

Women are more likely to get ingrown hair in the pubic area. If you have a high level of sex hormones, you are more likely to have more hair on the pubic area, which makes it more likely for ingrown hairs to grow.

Symptoms of Ingrown Hair Infection

Some of the symptoms of an infection from ingrown pubic hair include:

When these symptoms are ignored, this ingrown pubic hair can cause a great deal of discomfort and pain. In most cases an ingrown pubic hair will grow out after several days, but sometimes they can become infected which can be severe and mimic the symptoms of conditions such as pimples or a swollen gland. An infection can also resemble the sexually transmitted disease herpes, so you should visit your doctor to be certain.

How to Treat Ingrown Hair in Pubic Area

1. Clean and Remove

Physical removal is a common treatment of ingrown pubic hair.

This method has the advantage of being the least expensive of the treatment options for ingrown hair in the pubic area.

2. Use Chemical Depilatories

Another good option to help remove ingrown hair in the pubic area is to use chemical depilatories. These will weaken the hair, making it easier to remove. These depilatories also blunt the hair’s tip where it is embedded within the follicle, preventing the problem from becoming worse. Keep in mind that because of the presence of chemicals, you should not use depilatories more frequently than each few days.

3. Unclog with Tretinoin Cream

Tretinoin cream is a treatment for ingrown hairs in the pubic area that works best when used with other treatments. This cream will unclog the hair follicle by removing any dead skin cells, causing the hair to be less tightly bedded within it. This makes physical removal of the ingrown hairs much simpler but you should still remember to sterilize the tweezers or needle you use to remove them.

4. Use Antibiotics to Treat Infections

If the ingrown hair in a pubic area has caused a secondary infection, you should take antibiotics in combination with the other physical treatments. Some signs that you may have an infection include pustules or abscesses that form at the site of the hair. If you think you have an infection, visit a doctor so they can examine the area and prescribe you the best antibiotic treatment for your situation.

5. Consider Other Removal Methods

If you have problems with ingrown hairs in your pubic area, you can also try other hair removal methods, such as sugaring which minimizes hair breakage because it will follow the direction of hair growth when removing pubic hair.

Important Notes: Take Post-Care Measures

No matter which method of removing your hair you opt for, a crucial step in preventing ingrown hair in the pubic area is to follow the correct skin care tips in the area:

Helpful Video:How to Get Rid of & Treat Ingrown Hairs with Epsom salt

How to Prevent Ingrown Hair in Pubic Area

1. Shave Correctly

When you shave, it frequently creates a sharper edge that can make it easier for the hair to become ingrown. To help prevent ingrown hairs when shaving, be sure to choose a good shaving gel or cream as well as a good razor and trim before shaving. You should also try to take a warm bath or shower before shaving. Exfoliate before shaving and moisturize after.

2. Clean Before Waxing

It is also easy to create the same sharp edges when waxing because sometimes when the hair is removed, it is broken below or above the skin’s surface. Therefore make sure to cleanse the skin beforehand and carefully follow the instructions that come with the wax.

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