There is nothing as scary as having bumps or lumps on your skin. These come about as a result of different infections like mastoiditis or allergic reactions like dermatitis. You can only have an accurate diagnosis and prescription for treatment by a professional medical doctor.
There are many reasons why a lump could occur behind your ear. Understanding the causes of such a lump is crucial because there are minor and serious bumps. Simple problems will often disappear on their own while complex cases require professional medical treatment.
They can be small, large; painless or painful lumps found behind the ear. If you notice a lump behind your ear for over 4 weeks, seek medical help. A doctor will detect any serious condition to provide an early treatment.
Mastoiditis is common in children. The government's Medline Plus website notes that, ear infection could spread to the mastoid bone at the back of your ear. An infected part of the ear will have several symptoms like a protruding swelling that is either small or large. It is also accompanied by fever, redness, pain, and hearing loss.
Whether it is as big as a plum or a tiny tip; it can be treated by antibiotics doses recommended by a doctor. To treat it easily, drop one or two drops of a strained mixture of garlic oil with olive oil in the infected ear. Boiled for 10 minutes, this solution only uses two peeled cloves of garlic and the olive oil to relieve you from pain quickly. You could also pour drops of warm mullein oil in the infected ear.
Although dermatitis is known to be common in men and less likely in teenagers, scientists are still unclear about its exact causes. Chances are that it could be hereditary, and it is stimulated by low temperatures. Seborrheic is a type of dermatitis that occurs behind the ears. This kind causes scaly yellow or red colored pimples.
It can be treated using a medical prescription of topical corticosteroids to remove the scales and dissolve the bumps. In order to temporarily relieve itching, apply an anti-itch cream like hydrocortisone or calamite lotion to the affected skin. If itching persists, take an oral antihistamine like Benadryl. To prevent scratching, try covering the affected area with bandages and dressing. Taking a comfortable bath with baking soda; uncooked oatmeal is also soothing. To avoid irritating the area, wear smooth textured clothes like cotton and use mild detergent in your laundry.
Your lymph nodes are attached to the immune system. Located all over the body, they are found in armpit, groin and back ear areas. The swelling of small bumps behind your ears could be as a result of swollen lymph nodes. You can feel these swell up when you have common infections such as tonsillitis, mono, colds and flu. These could remain swollen for a number of days or even weeks. Note: rarely do cancers and tumors cause lymph node swellings.
In case you notice any swellings on your skin, don't just wait for any change in the color of the lump. This is because there are numerous causes of bumpy skin rashes. Should you suspect a lump to be dermatitis, do not apply a steroid cream as a quick solution. Instead of attempting self treatments, consult a doctor immediately and describe your symptoms for proper diagnosis. If your case requires simple treatment, the doctor can make prescriptions for a medical dose via phone. However if you need advanced treatment, you need to visit the hospital for enhanced treatments.
Sebaceous cysts are associated with acne and could be as a result of skin inflammation or wound. The cysts have a smelly keratin protein from the skin. They are less dangerous and often disappear with time. However, if exposed to infection, the cysts lead to abscess causing aggravated pain and inflammation.
To treat this condition, use a pain relieving medication such as Nurofen Plus or just gargle salt water or turmeric. The use of no- steroidal medication could help in relieving the signs and symptoms. You can find over the counter prescriptions for oral antihistamines to reduce the itching. Treatment options for cysts include light therapy done by exposing the skin to natural or artificial light, taking oral antibiotics like tetracycline and using a mild corticosteroid cream. If you have experienced bumps for over a month, you need to consult a doctor in order to avoid complications.
Leukemia and lymphoma are cancers that can cause swollen lymph nodes. They start as bumps in the back of your ear only to develop into other symptoms. If you have painless bumps that persist even after common infections like coughs and colds, consult your doctor. Often bumps behind your ears may be a sign of serious illnesses. While painful bumps could portray active lymph nodes fighting an infection, visible painless ones could be symptoms of Hodgkin's disease. This is a systematic condition that requires immediate medical attention.
The successful treatment of cancer depends on early detection. A lump behind the ear is among the common symptom for head and neck cancer. This is often accompanied by swallowing difficulties, stubborn sore throat and a hoarse voice. Other cancers featuring a bump behind the ear include the salivary glands cancer. Tagged the metastatic squamous neck cancer, it can be detected through medical tests and physical examinations.
Besides the mentioned causes, skin bumps behind the ears can be due to other causes including:
The type of remedy given to lump behind ear depends on its seriousness. Mild lumps can be treated using acne medication and homemade solutions. For example, in order to dry up the fluids in the cyst and reduce the swelling naturally, simply apply the tea tree oil on the cysts using a piece of cotton. Do this for 5 minutes, and rinse with a gentle soap.
Always look out for the duration of the infection, its symptoms and take note of any lumps that disappear and reappear.
Professional medical examination and sometimes X-rays by a doctor will diagnose the cause of any lump behind the ear. Often, there are minor causes hence no reason to worry. However, to avoid future complications, it is advisable that you obtain a proper diagnosis and follow the stipulated instructions by the doctor.