Drinking Epsom Salt

Epsom salts are named for the Epsom spring in Surry, England where they are harvested. This material is not a salt but a compound of sulfate and magnesium that is known for providing beauty and health benefits along with gardening and household uses. Regularly using Epsom salts also help the body relieve migraines, absorb nutrients and flush toxins from the body. Note that there are also side effects of drinking Epsom salt, so it’s essential to drink it the right way.

How to Drink Epsom Salt for Liver Detox


Precautions--determine if you are at risk for drinking Epsom salt: People using digitalis or digoxin to manage cardiac conditions may not be able to use Epsom salts. Those using antibiotics including ciprofloxacin, demeclocycline or nitrofurantoin should not use Epsom salts without approval from their doctor. There is no specific evidence that Epsom salts cause birth defects but those that are pregnant should speak with their doctor before using this compound as a part of a home remedy.

A detox remedy using Epsom salts will take two days. Before you begin your regimen, stop using any medications or supplements two days before this detox is to take place to avoid any potential negative interactions. 

Step 1: Be Careful with What You Eat and Have Two Daytime Drinks

On the day your detox is to begin, consume a no-fat breakfast and lunch. This may include toast and honey, cooked cereal or vegetables. Do not eat anything after 2 pm. Combine four tablespoons of Epsom salts in 3 cups of water and refrigerate the mixture. Meanwhile, warm a pink grapefruit and a cup of olive oil on the counter. Around 6 pm consume ¾ cup of the Epsom salt mixture. You may add vitamin C powder to improve the taste if desired. Drink an additional ¼ cup of the Epsom salt drink at 8 pm.

Step 2: Drink Epsom Salt Mixture at Night

Attempt to take a bowel movement before moving on to the remaining steps in the detox. Pour half the olive oil and a half cup of juice from the grapefruit into a jar and shake to combine. Drink this mixture around 10 pm while standing. After you have finished drinking take four Omithine capsules and lie down with the head elevated.

Step 3: Continue the Detox Recipe the Next Day

The following morning consume an additional ¾ cup of Epsom salts when you wake up, then go back to bed and rest. Two hours later consume the remaining Epsom salt mixture. Then two hours after finishing the drink, sip some juice. Then consume fruit half an hour later and eat light food an hour after this. During one of these small meals consume whey powder to replenish the bile salt you have lost during the detox. By dinner you may eat a normal meal. During this detox you will experience diarrhea so be prepared to address this.

Video for More: Liver Cleanse Recipes: Flax, Epsom Salts and Olive Oil

Side Effects of Drinking Epsom Salt

Overall Health Benefits of Epsom Salt

The sulfate and magnesium in this compound can readily be absorbed through the skin to provide health benefits quickly. Epsom salts can help improve nerve and muscle function, reduce inflammation, prevent artery hardening and regulate 325 different enzymes.


Why It Helps

Reduce Stress

Stress lowers the body’s magnesium levels due to the increase in adrenaline this condition causes. Taking in the magnesium from Epsom salts help to increase serotonin levels to promote relaxation and a feeling of calm. The magnesium in Epsom salts can also help to improve ATP levels, increasing energy levels and reducing blood pressure. At the same time, it helps the nerves and muscle to function properly and can also improve concentration and sleep quality.

Soak Your Feet to Relieve Muscle Pain

Epsom salts are commonly used to reduce inflammation to ease sore muscles. It can also be used to relieve the pain associated with giving birth. To get soothing comfort, you can mix a paste of Epsom with some hot water or by soaking your feet into a tub of warm water containing Ultra Epsom Salt (0.5 cup).

Regulate Body Function

Consuming Epsom salts helps to restore and maintain electrolyte levels. This helps to ensure proper calcium levels to ensure electric impulses throughout the body work properly. This helps to maintain proper enzyme, muscle and nerve function.

Prevent Blood Clots

Epsom salts help to improve blood pressure, blood circulation, reduce the risk of blood clots and improve the elasticity of the arteries. These combined benefits help to reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke.

Increase Insulin Effectiveness

Using Epsom salts to increase sulfate and magnesium will help to increase the effects of insulin in the body. This helps to reduce the risk of developing diabetes.

Relieve Constipation

Epsom salts can be consumed to help cleanse and detoxify the colon. The salts will act as a laxative that will increase the water content of the intestines to help relieve constipation. Consult a physician to ensure the safety of this method before attempting it at home.

Watch the following video to learn how to take Epsom salt baths to restore body balance:

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