Is Fenugreek Safe While Nursing?

There are many nursing mothers that are looking to increase their milk supply and end up wondering if Fenugreek is safe while nursing. This herb has been considered a galactagogue, something that can boost milk supply. There are many mothers who will see an increase in their milk as quickly as 24-72 hours after they have had the herb.

Is Fenugreek Safe While Nursing?

When you use fenugreek in moderation it is considered safe. Like other herbs and medications, there are some side effects that should be noted.

Possible Side Effects for Babies and How to Deal with Them

What to try:

When Should You Avoid Taking Fenugreek?

Is fenugreek safe while nursing? Yes, but there are certain cases in which you should avoid taking fenugreek to increase your milk supply. Some of these include:

Fenugreek Interacts with Some Drugs

How Much Fenugreek to Use for Increased Milk Supply

Is fenugreek safe while nursing? Yes. When a mother is looking to increase her milk supply with fenugreek, 3,500 mg should be taken daily. If you are taking capsules, this is about six capsules daily. If you are drinking tea, have two or three cups. For those that are taking the powdered form, ½-1 teaspoon three times daily is needed.

If you are taking less than 3,500mg daily, it may be less effective. It should be noted that higher doses are not recommended. The best way to find your correct dose is to slowly increase your daily intake until your sweat or urine smells like maple syrup.

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