What to Drink and What to Avoid When Pregnant

Pregnancy is a critical stage not only to the fetus inside the womb, but also to the mother. Expectant mom should make sure that she is getting enough vitamins and minerals to keep the baby inside her healthy and well. Aside from eating healthy food, pregnant women should also make sure that she’s drinking plenty of water. The demand for fluid intake is greater for pregnant moms. Aside from the fact that the volume of your blood increases and your water compartment grows during pregnancy, your growing fetus also needs a rich supply of fluids in order for him to grow and develop inside your tummy.

Though the need of fluid varies per person, you should aim to drink around 1-2 liters of fluid every day. However, what are the types of fluids that are safe to drink when pregnant?


What to Drink When Pregnant

Your diet has a huge impact on the development of your growing baby. Some women though find it hard to eat, especially during their first trimester. As soon as the food enters their mouth, they throw them up immediately which have a negative effect on the baby’s nutrition. Most expectant moms find drinking easier than eating. You should remember though that you need to drink the “right” kind of drinks for the development and health of your expectant little bundle of joy.

Below are the right drinks that you should include in your diet:

1.   Water

Water is necessary to stay healthy, even if you are not pregnant. Pregnancy or not, water is needed by your body to function well. However, the need to drink water during pregnancy is twice as critical for you and your baby’s health.

Why should you drink plenty of fluid? Water is responsible for carrying nutrients and oxygen to your tissues, cells and organs. Being well-hydrated ensures that essential vitamins and nutrients are transported to cater the developmental need of your baby. It also helps preserve your amniotic fluid level and helps you cope with the aches and growing pain associated with pregnancy.

You should drink at least 10 glasses of water every day. If you’re also doing exercises, you should add a glass of water for each hour of light exercise.

2.   Coconut Water

If you’re wondering what to drink when pregnant, you should add coconut water on your list.

This sweet, energizing and clear isotonic drink is packed with natural vitamins and minerals. During your first trimester, drinking coconut water helps curb dehydration caused by morning sickness. It is also good in providing relief from constipation and heartburn, another common symptoms associated with pregnancy.

One cup of coconut water includes 46 calories, 600mg potassium, 252mg sodium, 8.9grams carbohydrates, 6.26grams sugar, 2.6grams dietary fiber and 6% calcium, making it really great.

3.   Lemonade

Lemonade is not only a good source of vitamin C but this refreshing drink can also help soothe morning sickness. Drinking a glass of lemonade in the morning can also provide relief to constipation. It can also improve your immunity since lemon has antibacterial property.  Since lemon can be too sour, you can add honey to sweeten it a little bit.

4.   Milk and Milk Based Products

Milk and other dairy products provide lots of essential nutrients for pregnant women, consuming milk also provides better pregnancy outcome according to clinical researches. Milk is one the greatest source of dietary calcium that pregnant women need. It is also packed with protein and vitamin D. Expectant moms are encouraged to drink three cups of milk or other dairy products every day.

5.   Fruit Juices

Most doctors recommend daily consumption of fruits to pregnant women. If you want to know what to drink when pregnant, you can add fruit juices to your list. Just make sure though that this is from fresh and organic fruits and not from processed or pasteurized products. Fresh fruits are those that are in season while organic ones are grown in a healthy environment without the use of pesticides and other chemicals.

Though fruit juices can give you the nutrients that your body needs, just always remember that you should still drink them in moderation. Majority of the fruit juices have more than 100 calories in a serving of 8 ounce, and drinking too much can add the calories up quickly. You should also drink fruit juices in moderation if you have gestational diabetes.

6.   Vegetable Juices

There’s no doubt that vegetables are a must for pregnant women. Some moms are not fond of eating vegetable though, so the other alternative that they can have to get the required nutrients and vitamins is by drinking vegetable juices.

7.   Ice Tea

Tea is considered as one of the healthiest drink. Drinking ice tea is a refreshing way to meet your fluid needs and it also comes with many health benefits. First, it gives you a boost of energy and helps curb morning sickness. It also contains antioxidants that can help DNA damage prevention and can keep your brain healthy.

What to Avoid When Pregnant

Now that you have an idea on what to drink when pregnant, you should stay away from some drinks totally at the same time:

1.   Some Herbal Teas

Some herbal teas are unregulated and may have negative effect on you and your baby. It’s best to avoid unsafe herbal teas during your entire pregnancy period.

2.   Alcohol

You’d see it in televisions or movies, pregnant women refuse to drink wine, beer, champagne or any other form of alcohol. Consuming alcohol while pregnant is not only harmful to the expectant mom but it is also hazardous to the fetus. Risks of still birth and miscarriages increase with alcohol consumption.

3.   Energy Drinks

Most energy drinks are synthetic and contain excessive amount of caffeine and sugar. You should avoid drinking any type of energy drinks since they have not been tested to be safe for pregnant women.

4.   Caffeine

Too much caffeine during pregnancy is highly discouraged. Caffeine can cause insomnia, dyspepsia, arrhythmia, palpitations, and stomach ulcer and can induce premature uterine contractions.

Pregnancy should be the time that you’re 101% percent sure that what you’re eating and drinking is safe for you and your baby. After all, you don’t want to put the life of your precious one in danger with the food that you enter into your body. 

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